Rooibos crumpets: A yummy twist on a classic breakfast treat

Perfectly light and fluffy, these crumpets pair wonderfully with a variety of toppings, from fresh berries and honey to jam or butter.

Crumpets, those delightful and spongy griddle cakes that are the epitome of a perfect light breakfast or indulgent afternoon tea, have long been a cherished favourite. However, a unique twist on this traditional treat has emerged, combining the comforting warmth of rooibos tea with the light and airy texture of crumpets. Recipe compliments of Joekels Tea.



  1. Heat a non-stick pan to medium heat.
  2. In a mixing bowl, mix egg, castor sugar and vanilla essence.
  3. Stir in flour and salt. Add milk and combine until it’s a smooth batter.
  4. Use large spoon to spoon on the pan (your preferred size).
  5. Cook for 2-3 mins on each side. Turn when you notice bubbles on one side.
  6. Enjoy warm with butter and jam.
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