
Local designer creates fashion pieces using shopping bags

Ndiwavho Delroy Jim frequently wows social media users with high-fashion clothing made from shopping bags.

Content creator and designer Ndiwavho Delroy Jim is widely known for his unique talent for turning shopping bags into fashion items.

The young designer has created several runway fashion outfits using all sorts of shopping bags from different stores.

His outstanding abilities have stolen the hearts of many and one internet user who is a fan of his work even bought him a new sewing machine in support of his work.

The online publication, Good Things Guy, mentioned that Woolworths acknowledged Ndiwavho, mentioning that he brings new meaning to their products. “Your creativity not only inspires us but also aligns perfectly with our mission towards sustainability and reusability. It’s customers like you who bring a whole new level of meaning and life to our products beyond their initial purpose,” stated Woolworths.

Internet users commented on Ndiwavho’s Facebook page naming their favourite outfits:

One user said: “Number 2 is great for elegant evenings, 4 is casual,” adding fire emojis.

Another commenter said: ” I am a Queen, I will pick number 2.″

One more added: “To be honest I would prefer all.”

Ndiwavho’s latest design that he posted on Instagram was another outfit made out of Woolworths shopping bags, an addition to his collection of the store’s designs.

This is what users had to say on Instagram about the designer’s recent outfit:

One commented saying: “BUCKET HAT!!! I love the bucket hat!!”

Another user said: “As always…incredible.”

While another one stated: “Admire your design.”

Also see: Look warm and stylish with this winter collection

The post Local designer creates fashion pieces using Woolworths shopping bags appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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