
Effective ways to warm your bathroom this winter

During the winter, bathrooms can feel chilly because they lack soft furnishings to provide warmth. No one enjoys stepping out of a warm shower into a cold bathroom.


Here are some tips to help you keep your bathroom warm this winter:

1. Try installing heated lamps

Switching to heated lamps gives you the benefits of both light and warmth in your bathroom. Heated lamps are useful in bathrooms because cold air is prevalent in bathrooms, the heated lamps add the needed warmth. They are a good inexpensive solution to cold bathrooms. They can be appealing making you want to spend more time in your bathroom.

Bathroom with heated lamps to maintain warmth

Image Credit: Unsplash

2. Use fluffy towels and bathmats

When purchasing new towels for the winter, choose high-quality fluffy towels to help keep you warm and cosy after your showers. Bathmats can also help warm up the tiles in your bathroom. Select machine-washable mats to make cleaning easier and to reduce susceptibility to mould.

3. Heated towel rails

Heated rails are a luxury for drying and warming up towels. Stepping out of your shower straight into a heated towel will keep you so warm this winter. Heated rails also can warm up smaller bathrooms.

The function of heated towel rails can be multi-purposeful as they can also dry damp towels to avoid mould buildup. This will ensure that your towels are dry and warm, ready for you.

Contemporary interior bathroom design with glass enclosed shower still with Heated towel rack hanger.

Image Credit: Pexels

4. Have warm showers

Start swapping your shower heads to help be water-wise. Opt for energy-efficient showerhead models that use little water, helping you save water. These energy-efficient shower heads will allow you to shower a little longer and build more steam to warm up your bathroom. When changing the shower head consider getting one providing a wonderful flow of water.

5. Check for basic efficiency in your bathroom

Check your bathroom windows to see if they are letting in any cold air. If your bathroom windows let in cold air, consider replacing the windows or using waterproof fillers like silicone to close the gaps. If you want to keep the temperatures high, getting heavy blinds will help insulate the room.

Lady relaxing sitting in hot bath tub with towel on head

Image Credit: Unsplash

These little bathroom updates will help your bathroom stay snuggly and warm, even during winter.


6 signs you need to replace your towels

Feature Image: Unsplash


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