
How to do a negativity detox for weight loss

People wanting to flush the toxins from their bodies and cleanse their internal organs may go on a detox diet, but how do we flush the toxins from our hearts and minds?

The New Year is a popular time for resolutions and evaluating goals. Coupled with the holiday season that often includes the overindulgences of food, drink and lazy days, it makes the perfect time to assess what in your life is working, and what isn’t.

Just like when you go on a detox diet to flush out the toxins from your body and cleanse your internal organs, it’s also helpful to flush out toxins from the mind and heart. Mental and emotional toxins are not often considered, but they are just as essential to evaluate and to prepare our bodies for the fat burn process.

Dr Leila Sadien, a medical doctor, intuitive healer and shamanic medicine woman practises holistic and multisensory medicine with the aim of teaching her clients how to access their inner power and potential. She sees weight-loss beyond diets, supplements or exercise but as a holistic lifestyle plan based on the foundations of mental, physical and emotional optimisation.

Dr Leila says “Detox is an essential step before effective weight loss. Our fat is a storage organ after all, not just for physical toxins but also energetic toxins”  

“Often clients come to me saying they’ve tried everything, nothing seems to work for long, and they end up blaming themselves as failures. What they often haven’t addressed are the traumas that lead to harmful behaviours like comfort eating, binge eating or addictions. When your inner world is saturated with negativity, it triggers your body to hold onto fat as a storage organ, just as it holds onto physical toxins.” Dr Leila explains.

 Dr Leila shared some expert advice, gained through the treatment of clients in her weight-loss programme, that begins with detoxing the root cause of your weight-loss instead of simply forcing the extra fat to shed as a temporary respite.


Your body is an ecosystem that is integrated into the environment around it. Skin conditions like acne and eczema, IBS, water retention and weight-gain can all be your body communicating that something is imbalanced and that toxins need to be unloaded.

If you’re putting on weight and can’t find the reason through conventional medical tests, there may still be an underlying subtle dysfunction not picked up by the disease screen. Commonly early thyroid disease, insulin resistance and IBS, for example, are missed as causes.


For those who have spent years on yo-yo dieting, it’s easy to feel that their body has betrayed them. This impacts the way that we feel and view ourselves and can lead to self-sabotage. There’s a direct correlation with our relationship with our inner selves and our relationship with food and both can be improved by befriending the body.

Work on listening to and honouring your needs and begin to develop trust in yourself as a caregiver. As the body begins to trust you it can let go of the trauma held in the fat, where your inner child could not trust in nurturing


Let go of or redefine toxic relationships that no longer serve you. Often one finds that excess weight is directly in proportion to the toxic relationships they have with those around them.

“My weight loss clients are often people pleasers who do not have healthy boundaries to their friends and families. The fat then takes on the function of trying to protect and hide you, that’s why they don’t recognize themselves in the mirror anymore.” says Dr Leila

A negative detox will help you feel more connected to your purpose in life and your relationship with your body. It’s important to be open and honest with yourself about where this negativity comes from and how you wish to deal with it. Once we accomplish this, we can lighten our loads and be kinder to ourselves. Embrace the healthier, happier, thinner you. 

The post How to do a negativity detox for weight loss appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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