4 reasons why you should use a standing desk

Standing desks have become the ultimate working-from-home accessory – a must-have for anyone wanting to be healthier and fitter.

While standing desks aren’t a new phenomenon, their consistent popularity on TikTok and YouTube has sparked an important debate – are they worth it?

The simple answer is YES! And I am not just saying this as I stand here typing this out, science backs my stance quite well…

The science behind standing desks

According to associate professor of health and human development at the University of Pittsburgh, April Chambers, the benefits of standing desks have more to do with movement than just standing and working. Standing desks get us off our behinds, stretching our legs and fixing our posture.

As we stand, we also tend to move around a lot more. These micro and macro movements do wonders for your muscles and joints as you’re constantly shifting your weight and facilitating blood flow. While these movements don’t necessarily mean burning tonnes of calories, the health benefits are quite profound.

The major benefits

From boosting your mood and sharpening focus to bolstering heart health and relieving back pain, here are 4 major reasons to consider using a standing desk in your workspace – whether it’s in the office, or at home.

Source: Unsplash

You’ll be happier

Research shows that depression and anxiety are often linked to sedentary lifestyles. So, by simply elevating your workspace, you could significantly elevate your mood.

The science backs this up too, with several studies indicating that those who use standing desks experience less stress and fatigue during the day, and often feel far more energized.

You’ll focus better

The lack of fatigue and extra energy you may experience, along with the boost in your mood, can even increase your productivity. By standing a few hours a day, you could find yourself being able to focus better, allowing you to tick off all the tasks on your daily to-do lists!

You’ll have a healthier heart

In the 1950s, a study involving bus conductors found that those who stood all day had 50% less risk of heart-related deaths compared to their colleagues in driver’s seats. More recently, scientists have found that a sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk of heart disease by almost 150%.

By simply standing at your desk for a few hours a day, you could significantly increase your cardiovascular health!

Your back will thank you

While this might seem obvious to some, sitting all day is not exactly good for your back (or posture). Several studies show that standing desks have reduced upper and lower back and neck pain in just a matter of weeks.

Get standing

Simply, standing desks are more than just a trend. Whether you invest in a motorised standing desk, or simply lift your computer so you can stand while you work, getting up could do wonders for your health!

Compiled by Jade McGee.

Also see: Signs you are living above your means

The post 4 Reasons why you should use a standing desk appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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