
NLP life coaching metamorphosis over 5 years

Life coaching has tremendously been altered over the years but the changes have differentiated real trainers from the showman. Which changes have occurred and who are the real trainers?

Over the past 15 years that I have been vigorously part of the personal development industry and I have been fascinated by all the metamorphic changes it has undergone.

The industry has experienced its high, low, and high again moments. The past few years, Covid-19 induced lockdown in particular has acted as a value test and purifying mechanism.

I remember how “glitzy” many trainers and coaches were when I started. There was a lot of hype in the industry and if you appeared to be successful, clients followed you and acquired all your products in their thousands.

Then the bubble burst, as the public recognised that they are not getting value for money. Many trainers were charging huge amounts for fancy decorated course boxes. But as people opened the boxes and looked at the content objectively, they were highly disappointed. Too many people sold NLP and Life Coaching as a miracle cure, a secret hidden only to be revealed to the elite. The problem was escalating. The internet, social media, and platforms like google gave dubious sales entrepreneurs an entrance to the world market. As one segment closed its doors to the pretenders, another segment opened.

Meanwhile there were “true believers”. From the beginning there has always been a group of NLP practitioners and NLP Life Coaches that believed in the genuine advantages of the trade, and these coaches practiced and delivered their products with ethics and high-quality standards. The typical “under sell, over perform” attitude was always constant with a core group of people in the industry.

Many trainers and service providers transformed into entertainers. Training classes and workshops became a well-rehearsed show, to mesmerize the audience into a hypnotic state of adoration.

Then lockdown arrived and altered our reality.

For many it undoubtedly had a harmful effect. The economic impact worldwide is well known and clear for all to see. But as a trainer in this amazing industry of NLP and Life Coaching it had its own silver lining. Suddenly the showman of the industry could no longer “perform” for the live audience. They were compelled to stand in front of a camera and provide content that would keep the audience engaged and listening.

Virtual audiences act differently to live “in room” audiences. In a room it is natural to follow the “mood” and “emotional state” of the room. It is easy to be swept along by the experience of the group, which often creates a snowball reaction of touting up.

On a virtual platform it does not work in a similar way. The audience is more analytical, logical, and objective towards the substance of the delivery. This new audience mindsets created a fantastic filter in the industry. The showman of the past could not hold the attention of the audience, and the “real” trainers that delivered great content started to expand their audience and customers.

The quality trainers, NLP Life Coaches and NLP Practitioners are now finding a phenomenal expansion in their businesses. People are now easily differentiating between showman and the real experts.

Before lockdown our teaching space averaged 12 to 15 learners each. During slow months we had less than 10 students attending our 9-to-10-day programs. Six months after lockdown began, our student numbers reached 50 to 60 per course on average. On several workshops we were compelled to limit attendee numbers to 100. This appears to have happened to all the value trainers and NLP Life Coaches in our industry. We have experienced tremendous progress and expansion.

And the “others”?

Many are still active, with marvellous ad campaigns and pre-recorded online products, but they are slowly dwindling away.

This is great news for our industry. It demonstrates once again that quality will always endure, and trust in our audience to make great choices has been restored. It has given us hope that over the next few years we will see a rise in quality of delivery and integrity in our industry.

We are not happy that the world experienced a lockdown and we are saddened by the greater result it has created for many people around the world. We are however grateful to once again experience that often there is a silver lining around a dark cloud.

Life often brings negative experiences, but if we take everything as a learning curve and truly search for the positive result, we create hope and a better present and future experience for all.

Maybe you have wondered exactly what NLP Life Coaching can offer you or if it may be a skill you would want to acquire. You are free to have a look at what we do. Each month we offer a free day of training to any person interested to explore. The free day is not a sales day, but we open our doors during one of our training courses where you may sit in, observe, and participate.

To find more information about our free day please visit

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