
Three nutritional habits to good skin

A good gut leads to good let’s start eating right and reep the glowing benefits.

It helps regulate body temperature, stores water, vitamin D and protects the body from the sun, pollution and germs … it is also the body’s largest organ – the skin. Let’s give our skin all the goodness it needs, while looking fresh and radiant (who doesn’t love dewy-looking skin) by including these three nutritional habits in our daily routine.

Hydrating fruits

We all know that we should be drinking about 8-12 cups of water a day,  but if gulping down all that water is a struggle, you can opt for a much tastier option. Watermelons, oranges and strawberries contain a high amount of water and should be counted in our daily water consumption.

Seed power

If you suffer from dry skin and would love a smoother looking, more supple complexion, add a handful of flax seeds to your diet. Rich in an Omega-3 fatty acid called Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), flax seeds help reduce the harmful effects of Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, smoking and pollution. They also help with dry skin and lessen the appearance of wrinkles – who wouldn’t want that?!

Green vitamin C boost

Who would have thought that Kiwis contained more vitamin C than oranges? These little green guys are vitamin C powerhouses which puts them at the top of your grocery list. A powerful antioxidant which helps clean up skin damaging free radicals, vitamin C also helps with the hydration of the skin and boosts collagen production, according to Dr Sivuyile Madikana (Herbalife NAB Southern Africa). More kiwis for everyone!

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