
So, your child wants a pet?

Here are eight low-maintenance options to consider...

If owning a pet feels like a daunting responsibility, it needn’t. There are many animals that are easy to care for and ideally suited to young children, busy lifestyles and a small living space.

Obviously, all pets deserve care and attention, so think carefully before making a choice. The pet you own must fit in with your lifestyle and family.

Below are some easy creatures your kids will love…

Fish – Quiet, calm and fun to watch, fish are an ideal starter pet. Goldfish are an obvious first choice, but there are many varieties of fish to choose from (guppies are good, apparently!). Things to keep in mind: a tank is better than a bowl, regular feeding and cleaning of their water is essential, and certain species aren’t compatible.

Tortoises and turtles – These quiet, unassuming pets are popular with kids who love to watch them slowly roam. Both have long life spans though (from 15 to 50+ years, depending on the species) and do require healthy diets, fresh water and clean living spaces to remain disease free. Keep your turtle in a terrarium and your tortoise in a pen with plenty of space to roam.

Mice and rats – The thought makes us squeamish, but to rodent lovers, mice and rats are  clever, cute, cuddly pets that provide hours of entertainment. Keep yours in a well-ventilated cage with some toys, feed them appropriate food and let them out to exercise daily as both are active animals and have energy to burn.

Hamsters – A firm favourite with kids, hamsters are adorable to look at and comfortable to handle. They’re solitary creatures, but love to play with toys, so make sure you provide yours with plenty of fun items, along with good food, clean water and an airy cage. Be aware that hamsters scare easily, so if your kids are loud, you might need to rethink this choice.

Leopard geckos – If reptiles appeal, this one is a great choice as it’s fuss-free and friendly. Leopard geckos don’t need much space (an old glass terrarium or aquarium will do) and eat a simple diet of crickets and mealworms. They can live for 20 years and cohabit well with other geckos – as long as you don’t place two males in a cage together.

Cats – Cats aren’t particularly demanding pets; they clean themselves and like their independence. Most of them do need affection though, and all require proper nutrition and a litter box that’s cleaned weekly. If you want a close relationship with yours, get it as a kitten – they’re cute, cuddly and playful!

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