
Walking back to happiness

Walking for just 30 minutes a day is a great way to get back into an exercise routine if you’ve been on holiday or out of action for a while. It also aids heart health and improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, strengthens muscles and helps weight loss.

Have a  weekly plan

Write down your goals and walking schedule: are you doing a fast walk, interval training or a light walk with a friend? Download a walking app for step-by-step tips on how to improve your fitness without overdoing it.

Include uphills

Vary your walking routine whether you’re outdoors on a treadmill; adjusting the incline increases your heart rate and you’ll be able to keep up your speed as you get fitter.

Interval training

This is a great way to burn fat as you train in intervals; walk fast for a minute or two, then slowly for 30 seconds and repeat.

Time yourself

Challenge yourself and aim to beat your walking times by 15 to 30 seconds.

Create a playlist

If you’re going to use music (much safer on the treadmill than the road), select songs that motivate you and match the speed of your walk. Listening to podcasts is also a great way to pass the time, but remain aware of your surroundings at all times.

Walk with a friend or your pup

Having a walking buddy is a great way to stay motivated and makes the walks more enjoyable (and you can grab a coffee afterwards). You can also the dogs with you on leads and head to a park or greenbelt; just make sure you’re strong enough to handle their excitement and speed.

Go hiking

Try a hiking trail and explore the areas near your home  – they’re great for variation and are just as good a workout.

And remember:

  • Safety in numbers; walk with a partner or friends.
  • Beware of strangers and consider walking with a pepper spray.
  • Don’t wear valuables and keep your phone hidden in a pocket.
  • Stick to busier roads that are also used by joggers and cyclists.
  • Don’t go too early in the morning or late in the afternoon when there are no people around.
  • Tell someone at home where you’re walking and turn on your location services.
  • Consider joining a walking group in your area.

Visit for details. Do some research on hiking trails in your area – there are some beautiful ones the whole family can do.

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