
Enter the magical journey of Zoemba the Rhino

Enter the magical journey of Zoemba the Rhino at the Emperors Palace Barnyard Theatre, on September 30, at 10am.

He lives in a game reserve with his two friends, Jippie and Doolie.

Zoemba is a unique rhino; he has two rainbow horns and loves music and dancing. Those unique horns appeal to a sneaky Poacher who is lurking in the park, and waits for the right opportunity to try steal Zoemba’s horns.

Come join us and find out if the Poacher is able to capture Zoemba, and if Jippie and Doolie can help Zoemba out of trouble, every time.

EnterActive Productions presents a fun-filled musical theatre production for all youngsters aged between two and eight.

The show addresses issues that affect Zoemba’s life from poaching to pollution.

It’s an exciting tale that will have the kids in suspense until the end, from screaming with laughter to booing the Poacher off the stage, whilst singing and dancing along to the energetic, fun-filled musical score.

An array of stunning original songs carry messages about friendships, nature, conservation, recycling and other educational content.

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