
Are you the parent of an Indigo child?

If your child has an urge to create change in the world, is a free thinker and is often misunderstood, they could be an “Indigo” child.

Does your child display extreme empathy, sensitivity, a high level of intuition and psychic ability, an innate spirituality, and a deep desire to help the world? If so, you could be the parent of an Indigo child.

What is an Indigo child?

In the 1970s, parapsychologist and psychic Nancy Ann Tapp studied human auric fields and coined the term “Indigo children”.  While just a few people possessed indigo auras back then, she saw an increase in the number of children born with indigo auras from 1978 to the late 1980s, leading her to assume that a new generation of spiritual leaders, dubbed Indigo children, was on the way.

Most of these children also possess extremely high IQs and some even display paranormal abilities. Indigos are sensitive beings, so it’s no surprise that they suffer from despair and anxiety more often than other children.

Common traits of Indigo children

If you’re wondering whether your child might be an Indigo child, here are a few personality traits Indigo children possess. Indigo children have:

  • High expectations of themselves and others
  • Find relationships and interactions with others more challenging than other children their age.
  • Are  unrelentingly self-critical
  • Have a strong intuition
  • Often question authority
  • Are highly creative and often musically and artistically gifted
  • Are unwilling to compromise just to fit in.
  • Are headstrong
  • As the Indigo soul mission is encoded in your very being, you know your self-worth, you are unwilling to back down from confronting what feels out of integrity.
  • Get frustrated easily and often lack patience

The concept of Indigo children

Because the very traits which characterise indigo children are so hard to concretely define and because many of them are also common to medical conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the entire concept of the indigo child is one which sceptics easily dismiss. In truth, Indigo children are subjected to a life lived between the lines. They don’t fit into traditional roles and often have difficulty socialising with their peers so they are left in a “gray” area of their own creation.

Even the choice of the word “Indigo” to define them speaks to this shrouded life, as the colour indigo represents something between blue and purple without technically being either.

How to best nurture an Indigo child

As is the case with all children, Indigo children need to be nurtured to develop to their full potential. In recent years, a number of conferences and summer camps have been created to help parents who believe they have indigo children to better understand the concept and learn how to handle them.

Whether these children do indeed have special “gifts”, there is little denying that they stand out from their peers and there is a need to nurture them and help them develop to their full potential.

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