
From breast to bottle in 14 days!

Use this handy weaning guide compiled by experts to wean your baby in just two weeks, without the added tears and stress!

Ask any breastfeeding mom and they’ll tell you straight: Weaning your little one off the breast can be a daunting task. The good news is that with some good tips and our 14-day weaning guide, you can make the transition from breast to bottle easier for you and your child.

Breast is always best

Whether you’re weaning your child off breastmilk, or just transitioning to a bottle, there’s no doubt that breastmilk is ideal for growing babies. It’s packed with the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and illness-fighting substances that help protect your baby from potential illness. Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for about the first six months of a baby’s life, followed by breastfeeding in combination with the introduction of complementary foods until at least 12 months of age. It’s also advised that you continue with breastfeeding for as long as you and your baby are happy to continue.

Why moms stop breastfeeding

Studies have found that many mothers stop breastfeeding within the first six months. According to the Journal, Pediatrics, some of the main reasons include:

  • The perception that their babies aren’t getting enough milk at each feed.
  • Mothers reported that their babies lost interest in breastfeeding and stopped taking to the breast.
  • For many moms, breastfeeding is painful – especially first-time moms. who report having mastitis, chaffed or cracked nipples, or little ones who bite.
  • There was also the perception that breastmilk alone wasn’t satisfying their babies.
  • Returning to work, low milk supply, or just not enjoying the experience were other reasons.

A word on working moms

If you’re planning to go back to work after maternity leave, and you have some flexibility, it’s generally possible to work a half-day and continue breastfeeding. If you work a full day, it’s still possible to give your little one breastmilk if you’re able to express milk and store it – for your child’s nanny or caregivers at creche to give to her at feed times. Alternatively, if you’re still planning to breastfeed, from about 10 months you could also manage to only give breast milk, solids, and an occasional alternative drink for thirst. Childcare expert, Sister Lillian maintains that sleeping patterns at night might change, with more feeds required at night to make up for those missed in the day, as well as to ensure a little more time together – babies thrive on this as it makes up for not being together during the day.

Easy ways to wean a younger baby

If your baby is younger than six months, Sister Lillian says it’s advisable to take a slow, gradual approach to weaning as the value of breastmilk is still nutritionally significant for however long you manage to continue. Also, if you take your time to wean your baby, there’s less chance you’ll need to take medication to dry up your milk. If, for whatever reason, you need to wean your baby off the breast quickly, see your GP for a prescription.

How to wean an older baby

When you start to wean your little one off the breast, make sure to offer extra love and attention, says Sister Lillian. If your child picks up that you desperately want to wean, she might cling more to the breast, so when she wants to feed it works better to simply distract her with an interesting activity and keep her happily busy until that need passes. As the sucking reflex is still very important at this age, Sister Lillian suggests a combined approach of a feeding cup and bottle while weaning. “Offer your baby a feeding cup in the daytime, but before a nap or at night the bottle would be better,” she explains.

Golden nugget: Just remember that weaning is usually much more difficult during times of change or stress in the family, so pick a calm time to start.

Tips to slow down milk production if you plan to bottle feed

  • Steer clear of hot baths as this can stimulate milk production.
  • Wear a firm, but comfortable, bra.
  • Express a little milk if your breasts become painfully full, but avoid expressing enough to stimulate renewed supply if you want to stop breastfeeding altogether.

Day by day weaning guide

When you first start to transition from breast to bottle, take care to hold your baby close and give her lots of extra emotional support, because feeding is an incredibly nurturing experience, says Sister Lillian. When you first introduce your baby to a bottle and formula, don’t stick too rigidly to a schedule as many babies do better on smaller amounts of formula milk more frequently. Regardless of when you decide to wean your baby, the good news is you can use this guide at any age. However, it is primarily designed for babies between three and six months of age. If you’d like to use it later, simply adapt quantities for older or younger babies:

Day 1: Stop one breastfeed before your baby is quite ready to, but after the worst hunger is satiated. Get your partner to offer 50ml, half-strength formula (or expressed breastmilk if you are expressing) after a break of about 15 minutes.

Day 2: Repeat day 1

Day 3: Stop one breastfeed just after the worst hunger has passed, but sooner than on the first two days. Your partner or caregiver should now offer 50ml, two-thirds strength formula (or expressed breastmilk if you are expressing) after a 10-minute break.

Day 4: Repeat as day 3, but once in the morning and once again in the afternoon.

Day 5: Repeat day 4

Day 6: Stop two feeds, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, soon after your baby has settled down to a regular feeding rhythm at the breast. Someone else should now offer 75ml, three-quarter strength formula (or expressed breastmilk if you are expressing).

Day 7: Same as day 6, but do this for three feeds during the course of the day.

Day 8: Replace an entire feed with full-strength formula (or expressed breastmilk if you are expressing). Mid-morning or mid-afternoon are good times. Make up the amount according to the instructions on the container, remembering that your baby may prefer slightly less or slightly more in volume.

Day 9: By now you may be able to offer the feeds yourself. Replace two feeds with formula (or expressed breastmilk if you are expressing). Top up three feeds with 75ml formula (or expressed breastmilk if you are expressing) after offering the breast, until the worst hunger has passed.

Day 10: Replace two feeds and top up four feeds.

Day 11: Replace three feeds and top up every other feed, according to the method you’re now following.

Day 12: Replace four feeds and top up every other feed.

Day 13: Replace five feeds and top up all others.

Day 14: Replace all feeds with formula (or expressed breastmilk if you are expressing). Of course, if you want to keep breastfeeding partially, you can do so at night and for the early morning and before-bed feeds. You should then only go as far as day 12 of the weaning programme.

Top tips to stop night feeds

  • Always wear nightclothes that don’t allow easy access to your breasts.
  • Increase frequency of day feeds.
  • Try patting your toddler to sleep when she calls you at night.
  • Turn your back if she goes straight for your breasts.
  • If you want to go cold turkey, you should consider moving out for two to three nights – harsh, but sometimes the only possibility if you’re desperate.
  • Keep refusing feeds for two hours and comforting your toddler in other ways such as rocking and patting, to help break habitual drinking.
  • If you realise, as you apply these tips, that this isn’t quite right for you or your child, cease all previous efforts and do nothing for two weeks to lessen any pre-existing stress.


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