Is dual occupancy right for you?

Homeowners explore renting out part of their property or co-owning with friends or family, to assist with the rising cost of living.

The rising cost of living, coupled with a shortage in affordable housing options, has left many South Africans seeking out alternative solutions to make homeownership more affordable.

An increasing trend is the dual-occupancy route, where homeowners either rent out a portion of their property or choose to co-own a property with a friend or family member.

Before going this route, Adrian Goslett, Regional Director and CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa, strongly advises homeowners to carefully consider whether dual occupancy is the correct move for them, as these will become legally binding agreements that are tricky to get out of if a homeowner suddenly realises that this is not what they want.

Before signing a dual occupancy agreement, RE/MAX of Southern Africa shares the following advice…

Before going ahead with a tenancy or a co-ownership, make sure that you fully understand all the legal consequences of the agreement. For example, as a landlord, you will have to pay for repairs if anything breaks within the tenanted spaces, and you will also need to accept the risk of potentially having to deal with a defaulting tenant. As a co-owner of a property, you will still be liable for the loan repayments even if the person with whom you co-signed fails to make their portion of the payment.

Nobody ever enters into an agreement with somebody expecting that they might need an early out. However, it is prudent to be prepared for any eventuality – which includes understanding what process to follow should either party want to end the dual occupancy early. A lease agreement will clearly outline the procedures around terminating the lease – if not, ask your rental agent for advice. Co-ownership, however, is a lot more costly and complicated to get out of. Either you both would need to agree to sell, or the one owner would need to gain full ownership of the property by buying out their partner. In these cases, it would be best to seek professional legal advice from a transferring attorney.

Because these agreements are legally binding, it is important to consider your future plans before making a final decision, as these agreements cannot be instantly undone. If you are letting out a portion of your home, consider whether you might need that space in the near future, either for a growing family or possibly for ageing parents. If you are co-owning with a friend, consider how both your lives might change in the mid-to near-future – if you’re both single, what would happen if either of you got married or had children?

The quickest way to sour any dual occupancy relationship is when there are no rules and guidelines in place to govern how you will both co-exist on the property. Even when you co-own the space, it is important to have a set a written rules that can be referred to whenever a dispute arises. A tenancy agreement might include certain rules like no pets and no smoking, and so too should your agreement with whomever you choose to co-own the property.

“If any sort of dual occupancy agreement is not the right fit for you, then speak to a real estate agent who can keep an eye out for affordable opportunities that could better suit your lifestyle and your budget. Real estate agents are often privy to new listings before they hit the market and could let you know about the home before it is snatched up by other buyers,” Goslett concludes.


Writer: Kayla Ferguson

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