The cost of a cross-country move

Relocating to a distant place can be a logistical nightmare if it’s not done well. These are the factors you need to consider for a cross-country move.

There are many reasons to make a long-distance move, whether for a new job, retirement or to live out the dream of moving to the countryside. In order to formulate a foolproof cross-country relocation plan, it is important to understand the possible charges and logistics involved in a long-distance move.

“The semigration trend has gained popularity ever since the pandemic,” notes Adrian Goslett, Regional Director and CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa. Whatever the reason for moving across provinces, Goslett advises homeowners to do their research and plan thoroughly to ensure that the journey is as trouble-free as possible.

“Moving homes is complicated on its own. Moving across long distances only adds to the possible complications. The last thing you need when moving to an unfamiliar environment is to have your furniture lost or damaged in transit – or to come up short on cash to pull off the move in time,” Goslett warns.

Quotes and budgeting

To budget accurately, he advises collecting quotes from a few reputable and professional long-distance moving companies. “In addition to how much there is to move and how complicated the move will be (e.g. up flights of stairs, etc.), the price of having professional movers assisting will also be influenced by the number of people in the moving team and the distance between your point of departure and the new home,” he explains.

When considering quotes, keep in mind that good furniture removal companies should always do the following:

For those who are considering more budget-friendly options for a long-distance move, be sure to choose an option that does not lead to more expensive complications down the road. “Depending on your circumstances (like what car you drive and how far the move is), doing a long-distance move on your own might not be the cheaper option,” Goslett cautions.

Questions to ask

Before committing to this option, Goslett advises that homeowners ask themselves the following questions:

Those who are moving more than a day’s car travel away might have other costs to factor in. “Will you be driving with the moving company, or will you need to book air travel for you and your family? If you are driving, are there friends or family who you can stay with along the way? If not, remember to add the cost of accommodation to your budget,” Goslett recommends.

If you’re contemplating a long-distance move to a new town and don’t know where to start, contact your nearest RE/MAX office. “As area experts, a RE/MAX property practitioner is likely to have a list of recommended suppliers in the area and can show you around when you are house hunting to help you become more familiar with your surroundings,” Goslett concludes.

Writer: Kayla Ferguson

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