
Carjacking rates decline, vigilance remains crucial

While carjacking incidents have decreased, the risk remains high. Stay informed and take proactive measures to protect yourself with these tips.

Although carjacking rates have declined in South Africa, according to Stats SA’s 2023/24 Victims of Crime Survey, it’s crucial to remain vigilant.

Despite a 28.9% decrease over the past year, vehicle-related crimes continue to be a significant problem.

The ongoing threat

The SAPS reports that more than 60 cars are stolen daily, highlighting the persistent threat of carjacking. Certain vehicles and areas are known to be at higher risk, but the reality is that anyone can be a victim.

Expert advice

Eugene Herbert, the CEO of MasterDrive, emphasises that while some vehicles may be more targeted, all drivers should take precautionary measures to mitigate the risks of being hijacked. He advises:

  • Stay calm: In the event of a hijacking, remain calm and composed. The criminals’ primary goal is often to obtain the vehicle and flee.
  • Be aware: Pay attention to your surroundings, be cautious of suspicious vehicles or individuals, and familiarise yourself with people along your route.
  • Be prepared: Have your car keys ready before approaching your vehicle and be prepared to enter your property quickly. Practise extraction techniques with your family and agree on a ‘safe word’.
  • Drive defensively: Maintain a safe following distance and have an escape route planned.
  • Reverse parking: This provides a wider field of vision and more time to react.

While the recent decline in carjacking rates is encouraging, it’s essential to remain vigilant. By staying informed, adopting safety measures and driving defensively, you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a victim.

Source: MotorPress









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