
Watch: Cape Town church pastor plays matchmaker

Social media is abuzz after seeing videos of a Cape Town pastor hooking single women up with potential husbands at church.

A Cape Town church where many single women are hooked up with potential husbands is currently trending on social media platforms, leaving many internet users with conflicted views.

The church’s videos was shared on the popular video platform, TikTok, by user @stocksweet24. It shows many single women standing in front of the congregation, dressed in makoti (Xhosa traditional attire) with a doek and a scarf around their waists.

This dress code is to symbolise the kind of wives the women will be once the men take them as theirs.

One of the members of the congregation is reality TV star Vovo of the Short and Sweet fame. Apostle Mohlala is the man running the church with a massing following.

In one video, a man went to choose a wife but the man wasn’t happy with her look, leading him to reject her for wearing earrings and looking young.

@stocksweet24♬ original sound – Leo

Mohlala is seen telling women to go buy makoti attires as he sets to rebuke the spirit of evil that block them from being taken as wives.

@stocksweet24♬ original sound – Leo

Internet users had much to say after seeing the pastor’s videos:

“What kind of church be this?” asked a user. Another was keen for the apostle who travels to many cities to come to hers, commenting: “When is apostle Mohala coming to Nelspruit hle (though)?”

The videos also made it onto X:

Also see: Woman shares heartbreaking lobola story on TikTok; advice and sympathy flood her post

The post WATCH: Church pastors play matchmaker, hooking single men with potential wives appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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