
Unexpected causes of lung damage

It is important to watch out for factors that may cut our health short, especially if it is something we can avoid or prevent from causing damage to us.

Lung diseases are said to be very common since there are many causes of them. The following are the causes of lung damage that you might have taken for granted;

Fireworks: When fireworks are shot, the WebMD health publication states that a fine powder is released into the air by various metal fragments, giving them their unique colour. It is said that if you breathe this contaminated air in, this might aggravate or start asthma attacks as well as other heart and lung conditions. The publication advises that people avoid getting too close to any straying smoke while there are fireworks displayed or use a breathing mask that filters particles.

Flour: Bakers are more likely than other people to cough, wheeze and have breathing difficulties, according to WebMD. It may be from inhaling so much flour. “It’s common enough to have its own name: baker’s asthma. Over time it could worsen lung conditions like asthma and damage your lungs.” Additionally, the health publication states that flour appears to have an impact on the baker’s family as well, most likely as a result of the dust being brought home on skin, hair, and clothing.

Gas appliances: The Vinmec International Hospital believes that appliances that burn gas, such as stoves, ovens, fireplaces, and others, may cover up the source of lung illness. “When burned, the gas produces nitrous oxide, which can cause pneumonia. This gas can also be produced when burning wood, oil, coal or kerosene.”

Mould: According to the hospital mentioned above, spores from mould can fly into the air and they may live in a variety of environments, including moist poultry buildings, the home, hay, and grain. It is stated that these spores can severely harm your lungs if you have a mould allergy, a weakened immune system, or a lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The Trade Medical publication suggests a few ways one can avoid situations that damage their lungs;

  • Make sure the air is safe enough to spend a lot of time outside by checking the air pollution prediction.
  • Exercise should be avoided in busy locations because the pollution levels are often much higher there.
  • Be sure to open your windows to allow in fresh air while using cleaning materials that contain a lot of chemicals.
  • It’s time for smokers to give up at this point. Your lungs will fare better the sooner you decide to give up.
  • Put money into an air purifier that can remove toxins, allergies, and pollutants from the air.
  • Mould may grow easily in wet spaces, such as the shower. Keep these areas clean.


Also see: Do you have asthma? Here are exercises that are gentle on the lungs

The post Unexpected causes of lung damage appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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