
Original vs non-original car parts: Demystifying the spare parts maze

Cash-conscious drivers rejoice. You now have the freedom to choose non-original spare parts for your car, thanks to the Competition Commission's 2021 guidelines.

Buying spares for your car can be mine field. And with all the confusing terminology thrown around (“genuine,” “original,” “aftermarket”), how do you navigate this new landscape?

Right to Repair South Africa sheds light on the confusion tactics employed by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who often push “genuine” or “original” parts at a premium.

Are you confused by definitions? Let’s break it down

Genuine: As per the Collins Dictionary, genuine means “exactly what it appears to be, not false or an imitation”. This doesn’t necessarily equate to the vehicle manufacturer’s brand name.

Original: This refers to something existing at the beginning or the initial characteristics of something.

Again, not exclusive to the OEM brand.

The takeaway: Embrace reputable alternatives

Right to Repair encourages drivers to explore high-quality, safe alternatives from reputable brands outside the OEM network. You’re essentially paying for a brand name, not necessarily superior quality.

Make informed decisions

Prioritise warranty coverage from a reliable brand. Don’t be swayed by confusing terminology.

Explore reputable, non-original brands for potentially significant cost savings.

You can find more information about the Right to Repair campaign here.

Source: Cathy Findley PR / Photos: Caxton library


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