Safe travelling with your pets this festive season

Whether you travel with your pets this December or make other arrangements, Frontline Plus has provided a few tips to ensure your pets have a carefree summer holiday.

As the end of year rapidly approaches, many of us may already have our summer holiday planned or will be doing so in the next few weeks.

While most holidaymakers have a ‘to do list’, many are less prepared and organised when packing for their pets.

Here are a few reminders to consider, when travelling with your pet:

– Keep them secure in a crate with enough room to stand, lie down and turn around. Comfortable bedding is important.

– A ‘pet pack’ is handy and could include pet travel paper, the pet’s regular food, spill-proof water bowls, toys and any medication they might need.

– Make sure your pet’s vaccinations are current. This is important for protection against rabies.

– Always travel with your pet’s vaccination booklets or certificates.

– Ensure pets are micro-chipped and wearing identification tags with contact details in case of emergencies.

– Make regular stops to let pets stretch their legs and stay hydrated.

– Never leave pets unattended in a parked car.

While at the seaside, keep the following in mind:

– The coast is the perfect breeding ground for fleas. Use a product like Frontline®Plus to keep your pets flea free.

– When at the beach, keep a close eye on your pets and keep them away from the surf, if they are not used to the sea.

– Always clean up after your dogs. If you are on your way to a bush breakaway with your pets, take care of the following:

– Protect pets from fleas and ticks. Biliary can kill pets. Check pets for ticks before and after you have been to the bush.

– Deworm your pets regularly.

If you choose to put your pet in a kennel during your holiday, the following preparation is important:

– Make sure their vaccinations are up to date.

– Kennels require pet vaccination booklets.

– Find a kennel that will make your pet’s stay as comfortable as possible.

– Take along your pet’s regular food and homely comforts. This will make their stay away from home less frightening and uneasy.

If you are getting a pet sitter, keep the following in mind:

– Ask for references.

– Leave clear instructions to the pet sitter about important details like feeding times and medication.

– Leave a list of contact details for the pet sitter, including emergency numbers and the local vet’s contact details.

– Ensure pet sitters knows who to contact and what to do in an emergency.


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