
Book club:  Lies, death threats, and a wedding

We’ve been book shopping at Exclusive Books, and found three great options ... with thrillers, mysteries and chick-lit reads.

First up … lies. In fact, The Perfect Lie. Jo Spain’s fast-paced thriller is set in the pretty seaside town of Newport on Long Island, where Erin she lives with her detective husband. All’s good with her life, until said husband jumps out of the window of their fourth floor apartment, and she’s charged with his murder. She’d thought he was perfect. She’d thought their life was perfect. But it was all built on one perfect lie. Quercus

As for the death threats … they come in Nora Roberts’ Legacy, when Adrian Rizzo, a successful businesswoman, with wonderful family and friends, receives one in the post. She puts it down to jealousy, not realising that it’s much more than that … someone’s really unhappy about her happy life, and wants to end it! Love Nora Roberts books, and this one doesn’t disappoint. Piatkus

And the wedding? Oh … a Sheila O’Flanagan book … sheer bliss. In Three Weddings and A Proposal, Delphie attends the first wedding – that of her brother – and there’s a shock. The second wedding is unexpected. By the third, she thinks nothing could suprise her. But she’s wrong. Throw in a proposal and you’ve the perfect weekend read. Headline

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