
Go green and be Irish for a day

St Patrick’s Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, shamrocks and luck.

Most importantly, to those who celebrate its intended meaning, St Patrick’s Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide.

So, why is it celebrated on March 17?

One theory is that it is the day that St Patrick died.

Since the holiday began in Ireland, it is believed that as the Irish spread out around the world, they took with them their history and celebrations.

The biggest observance of all is, of course, in Ireland. With the exception of restaurants and pubs, almost all businesses close on March 17.

Being a religious holiday as well, many Irish attend mass, where March 17 is the traditional day for offering prayers for missionaries worldwide before the serious celebrating begins.

To celebrate like the Irish, here are some St Patrick’s Day recipes:

For Irish champ, you will need:

  • Eight medium potatoes.
  • Half a cup of milk.
  • Five tablespoons of butter.
  • One bunch of spring onions, chopped.

What to do:

  • Peel and cube potatoes and boil in salted water until tender.
  • Drain and mash slightly.
  • In a small pan, heat milk and butter until butter is melted.
  • Add the chopped spring onions.
  • Fold mixture into the potatoes until well blended.
  • This recipe serves six people.

For Irish bangers, you will need:

  • Two teaspoons of ground white pepper.
  • One teaspoon ground ginger.
  • One teaspoon sage.
  • One teaspoon nutmeg.
  • 100 grams salt.
  • 200 grams bread crumbs.
  • Five kilograms pork roast.
  • Two cups of ice water.

What to do:

  • Grind meat until it is a medium/fine consistency.
  • Add spices and mix.
  • Stuff into small casing links or make into compact patties.
  • Fry till golden brown or leave overnight in fridge before freezing.

For Irish stew, you will need:

  • Two to three potatoes per person, peeled and ready to cook.
  • 500 grams stewing beef, diced.
  • 500 grams carrots, sliced.
  • One small onion, finely chopped.
  • Small cup full of barley.
  • Three beef stock cubes.


What to do:

  • Add the stewing beef and barley to big pot of water and bring to boil and simmer.
  • When beef is cooked add carrots and onion.
  • Make beef stock in jug and add to pot too.
  • Add as much salt as necessary, or leave this out until serving and people can add what they feel individually necessary.
  • About an hour before serving time add potatoes to the pot to cook.
  • Serve when potatoes are cooked.

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