
Ways to raise adventurous children who enjoy travel

The love of travel is perhaps one of the greatest gifts parents can give their children.

Deciding not to travel with your children because they will not remember the excursions you take is akin to deciding not to read them books because they will not remember the stories when they grow up. What a unique take on travel.

Many people believe that travelling with small children is insane. However, travelling and seeing new places with your child can be so rewarding.

So, how can you raise children who enjoy travelling, while keeping your cool and enjoying the experience? Here are four pointers:

Expose your children to various cultures

Exposing and teaching your child about diverse cultures fosters an adventurous spirit and motivates youngsters to learn about others. If you can’t make it around the world, you can surely carry it home with you in the form of literature, food, clothing, and so on. Books are an excellent way to introduce your children to the world. They can view photographs of new places and learn about other cultural traditions. Perhaps one day they will be able to travel and see the culture firsthand!

Encourage your child to try foods from all across the world

You may believe that your child is a fussy eater and would never try different and exotic foods. However, maintaining an open attitude goes a long way. Keep in mind that children are not “born picky eaters”. In fact, children grow fussy as a result of their experiences with food. Trying international food may even have a two-fold effect: it may expose your child to different cultures while also undoing any “picky” eating habits they may have developed.

Begin when they are little

We know, we know, your child won’t remember that when they were two you took them to Jamaica. However, taking your child travelling at a young age will establish travel habits and teach you, the parent, how to travel safely with little children. Make a habit of taking short holidays. Even if it’s simply a day excursion or a weekend trip to the museum. This will instill a sense of adventure in them.

Learn to enjoy travelling with your kids

Our children frequently adopt our beliefs and opinions. They will hear you if you are continuously grumbling about driving in the car or how inconvenient it is to pack 1,000 items when travelling with tiny children. They may also begin to moan about travel. So go ahead and catch the travel bug for yourself. Let your child see how much you enjoy travelling and they’ll start enjoying it too!

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