
Fun and easy fitness ideas for the whole family

No matter how busy your schedule may be, try setting aside 30 minutes, three times a week, to do fun exercises with your children.

Exercise is beneficial to your family because it can help you live longer, lower your risk of heart disease, control your weight, and improve your academic performance.

It also allows children to expend some energy. Making family activities and fitness a part of your child’s life at a young age can go a long way toward helping them form healthy habits for life, especially since inactive children are more likely to become inactive adults.

Here are five family fitness ideas to get everyone moving:

  1. Set aside time to play

Set aside 30 minutes three times a week to engage your children in fun activities. Make it a habit to do it after school or after dinner. If your children are young, they may enjoy games such as hopscotch and hide-and-seek. With older children, kick a soccer ball around.

  1. Go for a walk or a bike ride wherever you can

Use muscle power to get to the grocery store, library, or your child’s school or sporting events by biking or walking. Instead of going straight to the television after dinner, take a 30-minute family walk. To keep track of your progress, use a family exercise log or colorful stickers.

Keep your log or chart on the fridge as a reminder to continue working together.

  1. Make active family gatherings a priority

Plan active games like tag or relay races for your child’s birthday party to provide family fitness as well as food. Dance parties are fun for older kids to throw.

Turn off the television during family or holiday gatherings and go for a walk around the neighborhood or a short hike at a nearby park. Alternatively, invite everyone outside to play catch or shoot hoops.

  1. Clean while singing and dancing

Set aside time for family chores and complete them together. Play music while you clean, and take turns selecting your favorites.

Younger children enjoy assisting and can be found picking up toys or sweeping floors while dancing with the broom. Older children can help dust, vacuum, and make beds.

  1. Make garden work less of a chore so that the whole family can get some exercise

Gardening together during the season is a lot of fun. Younger children can assist in the planting and maintenance of a garden. Older children can rake leaves into a pile and then collect them.

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