Dog beaten with brick: Activists rally outside Randburg court

Graphic images warning: Protesters at the court case of abused dog Ali, demand justice and an end to all animal abuse.

Animal rights supporters have gathered outside the Randburg Magistrate’s Court today to demand justice for an abused dog named Ali.

A man was recently arrested in Bryanston, Sandton, for allegedly abusing his dog severely. He faces charges under the Animals Protection Act 71 of 1962.

Protesters are carrying signs and banners calling for justice for Ali and an end to animal abuse. This follows a distress call received by the South African Animal Welfare Inspectorate Association (SAAWIA) on August 31 regarding a dog that had been beaten with a brick.

SAAWIA trainee inspector Eugesh Haricharan, along with Lee-Anne Ramalho from The Dogs Trust, were responding to the anonymous tip-off at the house where the visible brutality is alleged to have taken place.

“She had extensive injuries to both paws from being beaten, major trauma to the left side of her face, and wounds in her mouth, possibly from an object being inserted and yanked out. Ali was rushed to a vet,” Haricharan reported.

The injuries Ali sustained. Photos: Supplied.

Upon examination, it was found that Ali had multiple new wounds layered over old injuries from a life of continuous beatings.

If you can contribute to Ali’s treatment, please contact Petite Paws Veterinary Clinic at 011 702 1453 or make anonymous donations to their bank account with ‘Ali’ as the reference.

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