KZN Health MEC condemns ambulance stoning incident

A provincial emergency medical services ambulance was stoned while paramedics tended to an injured biker near eShowe.

KZN state paramedics were forced to flee an accident scene on Sunday after coming under attack from community members hurling stones at the ambulance.

The incident occurred in Obanjeni reserve near eShowe, and has been strongly condemned by Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane.

Emergency medical services (EMS) paramedics were working to stabilise a biker who had sustained injuries during an accident when a commotion reportedly broke out between bystanders and the biker’s friends.

Tensions escalated, and the community began pelting the biker’s friends with stones.

“Our EMS personnel grabbed their medical tools and fled as the crowd began throwing stones at the ambulance, damaging its windscreen,” says Simelane.

“We condemn this in the strongest possible terms. Damaging state property is a crime, and it’s even worse when our EMS crews get attacked while trying to help people who are distressed. We urge the public to refrain from such acts, as they are unacceptable.

“We need all our EMS vehicles on the road, serving the people of KZN. The damage to this ambulance will inevitably cause downtime, as repairs must be made to ensure its safety and roadworthiness.”

A case of property damage has been registered with eShowe SAPS.

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