Farmers rally together to help motorists stuck in heavy snowfall

South African farmers became heroes, rescuing stranded motorists in last week's snowstorm. Their selfless acts highlighted the power of community in times of crisis.

During recent heavy snowfalls in South Africa, farmers in the Free State province went above and beyond to assist motorists who were stranded on the roads. The Free State MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, Elzabe Rockman, expressed her deep gratitude for their efforts, highlighting their swift response to the crisis.

Major routes in KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State were severely impacted by the snow, with the N3 toll road being completely closed for a period. Farmers like Shadrack Mbele played a crucial role in clearing the roads, using their tractors and teams of workers to make them passable. Mbele emphasized the importance of helping fellow South Africans, especially those who were in dire need.

However, the farmers faced challenges due to motorists who blindly followed GPS directions, leading them onto treacherous and impassable roads. George Galloway, chairman of the Harrismith District Farmers’ Association, highlighted the difficulties they encountered in assisting numerous vehicles that were stuck on De Beer’s Pass.

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