Video: Sex workers rob clients under Pietermaritzburg bridge

The local community policing forum is up in arms about crimes happening as a result of sex workers, and calls for stringent safety measures.

Sex clients lured under the bridge on Ohrtmann Road, in Pietermaritzburg, are said to be lucky if they make it out with their boxer shorts on.

It’s alleged that ‘pimps’ swoop in while the client is in action, robbing them of all their belongings, even their clothes.

According to Pietermaritzburg Central community policing forum chairperson Allan Werner, while clients are busy undressing, there are criminals watching, waiting to pounce.

“Some of the men who walk along the bridge are being targeted by sex workers. They are enticed and seduced by the provocative clothing these women wear. They go under the bridge on Ohrtmann Road or into the bush on Echo Road and get robbed.

“It’s now reported that you must hand over your belongings even if you just stroll along Echo Road,” said Werner.

He added that most of the victims are too embarrassed to open cases.

“Men often don’t report these crimes because of the fear of being exposed if cases are opened. So they say they were mugged on the bridge, not under the bridge.

“This gives the city a negative image and, moreover, it’s situated as visitors enter the city through the Ohrtmann Road off-ramp. It gives a bad impression of what can be expected inside the CBD when sex workers advertise their trade openly.”

If a person is dressed inappropriately in public, municipal security must enforce by-laws for such indecent exposure on a public road. This affects our communities because our young women walking to nearby shops are presumed to also be sex workers. Male motorists often stop and make comments to our young girls while they are walking to nearby shops.

“This could also lead to kidnapping in the area. This is one of the reasons we feel that CCTV cameras must be installed on the Echo Road and Ohrtmann Road intersection,” he added.

Werner said when clients try to refuse paying the fee, the sex worker screams that they didn’t pay her or that they raped her. Given the high number of incidents, residents and pedestrians are now avoiding walking alone in the area.

Werner said it is unfortunate that some suburbs are not patrolled.

“It is a shame that it seems as if these poor areas — Jika Joe, Manor Flats, Newton — are disadvantaged and are not provided with adequate safety.

“It is a shame that more focus is put on the business area uptown. We are being marginalised because of our socioeconomic status, which is sad. It means that our safety is not important to anybody,” he said.

Ward councillor Suraya Reddy confirmed that clients of sex workers have been robbed and extorted.

“Wherever there are prostitutes, there are risks. The entire lower part of the CBD is ruled by crime. There are plenty of vagrants walking around, and prostitutes.

“Even pupils get robbed there because some get lured there for sexual pleasures,” said Reddy.

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