Watch: Owen Farrell at it again!

England skipper Owen Farrell was given his marching orders after a dangerous tackle on Welshman Taine Basham.

Owen Farrell has come under fire for his latest dangerous tackle against Wales, in scenes reminiscent of his shoulder charge on Springbok centre Andre Esterhuizen in 2018.

Farrell’s yellow card for a shoulder-led tackle to the head of Wales replacement Taine Basham in the final quarter of yesterday’s Test at Twickenham was upgraded to a red by the newly-introduced bunker review system.

While England were able to claim a comeback victory in the warm-up match, the 2019 World Cup finalists will be stressing over the availability of their captain for France 2023.

It is not the first time that Farrell has been in hot water over his tackle technique.

Back in November 2018, he infamously shoulder charged Bok centre Andre Esterhuizen, but escaped without punishment, as England held on to win 12-11.

In the aftermath of the incident, Rassie Erasmus was spotted ‘coaching’ Esterhuizen on how to replicate Farrell’s technique.

It doesn’t seem that Farell learnt his lesson. As recently as January, he received a four-week ban, later reduced to three, for a dangerous tackle in a club game between Saracens and Gloucester.

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