Durban court convicts teenager of raping young boy

The case was investigated by the Brighton Beach Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit.

The Durban Regional Court convicted and sentenced Sifiso Nkatha (18) to 15 years imprisonment for raping a 12-year-old boy.

Provincial spokesperson for SAPS, Captain Nqobile Gwala said the incident took place on 19 June, 2018.

“The victim was playing with his friends when he was called by the accused to accompany him. The accused took the young boy to Chesterville Park and raped him. The victim reported the ordeal to his mother and a case of rape was opened at Cato Manor police station,” said Gwala.

She said the case was investigated by the Brighton Beach Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit.

“The accused who was 15 years old during the time of the incident was arrested and appeared in court. He was released into his parents’ custody until he was sentenced on 30 March 2021,” concluded Gwala.


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