Watch: Woman irons her bread to make toast

Fancy some toast but don't have a toaster? Watch this innovative student's solution!

Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

A tertiary education student showed TikTok users a unique way to put toast on the menu.

A University of Cape Town student, who uses the TikTok handle @morelifewithmo_, took to the app to show the world how she uses an iron to make toast.

To get the desired result, the video she posted shows how she covers a piece of bread in tinfoil and wraps it in a dishcloth. After gliding a hot iron over the foil-covered bread, it slowly starts to turn golden brown.

Watch the video:

@morelifewithmo_ if you continue to giveeeeee #fyp #varsity #uni #uct #morelifewithmo ♬ original sound – Pst. Solomon Solomon

The viral video received over 400 000 views, with more than 20 000 comments.

In some comments, people shared how the video reminded them of their time at school.

“Where are my boarding school gang? By the way, this is advanced, we used our exercise books.”

“This was me in primary school because we didn’t have the fancy sandwich press, and I didn’t want the toast with a line in the middle.”

Other social media users shared how they navigate life through innovation.

“I remember I used to make noodles in a metal bowl, using an iron as a ‘stove’ back in boarding school.”

“I used to iron my clothes with a pot of hot oil or hot water.”

Also see: 5 Ways to store bread

The post WATCH: Woman irons her bread to make toast appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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