Watch: How make a statement with your headwrap

Headwraps make a statement and can be used for any occasion. Here are some tips for various styles!

Headwraps don’t get the appreciation they should. Apart from disguising a bad hair day, they are a symbol across many cultures and religions and make a statement about an outfit.

Headwraps went from being crucial pieces in many religions and cultures to being worn by women and men on fashion runways across the world.

They come in a wide selection, including various lengths, colours, materials and styles, catering for various occasions, both informal and formal.

Entrepreneur and digital content creator Tamia Nontsikelelo provides some tips on how a headwrap can be worn:

Top-knot style

Low-bun style 

Half-done headwrap style

Use two headwraps, one to achieve the look and the other to complete the final look and style.

Also see: Wardrobe versatility: how to wear your trouser as a top

The post WATCH: How to wear your headwrap as a statement piece appeared first on Bona Magazine.

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