Essential checkups after your holiday trip

You're back home, safe and well-rested. Now, it's time for your post-trip inspection.

Even if your vehicle received a service before your holiday trip, there might be a strange noise you can’t pinpoint.

Dewald Ranft, chairman of the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA), a proud association of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), recommends, “A quick diagnostic check at your accredited workshop will provide a heads-up, should the vehicle need urgent attention.”

However, vehicle owners can also perform basic spot checks before the diagnostic assessment to highlight areas for the mechanic.

Start with a thorough interior and exterior wash or valet service. Then, inspect basic tools, spare wheel, emergency triangles, jump-start cables, etc.

According to the Automobile Association (AA), damaged tyres and wheels are among the top 10 causes of breakdowns. So, it’s time to recheck the tyre pressure and lower it slightly – remember, you’re not carrying that holiday luggage anymore. Also, check the tyre tread, wheel balance, alignment, and brake pads.

A general check-up by a qualified workshop technician is always valuable.

Check your windscreen for small chips and get them repaired sooner rather than later. If you’ve endured squeaky wipers throughout your holiday, it’s time to replace them.

Next, check the cooling system and oil levels.

Check the battery fluid levels. If you had an emergency repair during your holiday, get the technician to inspect it to ensure it was done according to spec.

“Ultimately, road-trip maintenance is equally important for the driver’s and family’s safety. It can also help avoid expensive repairs in the future,” concludes Ranft.

Source: Cathy Findley PR / Photos: Caxton library


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