Rapper shares the light

A local gospel rapper shares his thought on his latest award and advises everyone to follow their dreams.

Local gospel hip hop artist Christopher Jansen, better known as Cjay, spoke to Rekord about receiving an award for the best rap album, Jesus Freak Yes I Am, during the 2013 SABC Crown Gospel Music Awards that recently took place in Durban.

He shared his thoughts about the reward and his future plans for the New Year.

Rekord: Which of your six albums did you receive an award for?

Cjay: Jesus Freak Yes I Am is my sixth album and the heart behind the album was to create a soundtrack to a movement among young people that would stand up and say ‘we are unashamed of Jesus’. I believe that we have succeeded in doing that through the album and I give praise to Jesus for that.

Rekord: Tell us more about the award you received at the Crown Gospel Music Awards?

Cjay: I received the award for the best rap album in a category that consists of four nominees. It is an honour to receive the award and for our work to be recognised. We are grateful for the platform that is created by awards such as these.

Rekord: Any new projects in the pipeline for 2014?

Cjay: A new album to be released in the first half of 2014, but the project is still hush, hush.

Rekord: Do you want to give a shout out to anybody?

Cjay: To all the young people out there – follow your dreams and your passions. Do not let other people tell you otherwise. God has called you for a plan and a purpose and you should pursue that wholeheartedly. Do not be ashamed of boldly proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ.

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