Mission (im)possible for photographer

A man with a mission to photograph Hollywood glam girl Charlize Theron, won't take no for an answer.

Call him overly confident or maybe a little extreme but well-known Pretoria photographer Albert Bredenhann from Pixel Pro Photography is a man with a mission.

Bredenhann has taken to social media in an attempt to get as many shares as possible in his quest to shoot, in a photography studio with a camera of course, one of the world’s most loved Hollywood stars and local girl, Charlize Theron.

Photo: Charlize Theron Facebook Page.

Bredenhann is seen with a big smile plastered on his face holding a white board requesting Charlize Theron to phone him because he would like to photograph her.

“If other photographers can get the opportunity, why can’t I? I see the glass as half full and maybe just maybe the right person will see the post,” an enthusiastic Bredenhann said.

On Sunday, his post that he loaded on Friday had already been shared 1 500 times. “I have spoken to one of Charlize’s bodyguards that she uses whenever she is in South Africa and he has promised to show my photo to her. I have also made contact with her cousin who promised to do the same. I believe she is within reach. Here’s to hoping.”

He said his next step might be expressing his desire to photograph the Oscar winner on Table Mountain. “I need to brainstorm the idea still, but something will be on the cards if this does not work,” he laughed optimistically.


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