Heandus launch new album

Heandus, the local Gospel rock band, will be launching their new album on October 27, at Sunward Park Community Church.

Phil Botha, lead singer of the band, says their latest offering, titled the Jesus Code, has a more commercial feel even though it remains true to its progressive rock roots.

Only three of the songs on the latest album, featuring eight tracks, will be played on the night. They will also be playing a couple of songs from their first album.

The event will start at 6.30pm.

Entrance fee will be goods to be donated to charity, or even seeds that can be planted to start a self-sustainable vegetable garden.

“The idea is that we want to plant the seeds in the informal settlements to help address the plight of the needy,” says Botha.

“We are, therefore, not only looking for donations, even in the form of seeds, but also volunteers who will be interested in helping to get the garden up and running.”

Anyone who can help or has knowledge in the field, may contact the band at heandus@gmail.com.

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