The baby holiday packing (overkill) list

Going on a short break with your baby? Here’s our ultimate baby holiday packing list.

Going on a short holiday with a baby in-toe and wondering what to pack? Don’t worry, we have you covered!

At the outset, we openly admit that this list of what to pack when going on a short holiday with a baby is ludicrous. Complete overkill. And we’re embarrassed that we even own half of this stuff.

But, just in case your flight gets delayed or diverted and you land up in some place where no parents have ever before stepped foot, with no supermarkets or pharmacies in sight for a 1 000 km radius, then this list will come in handy.

The amount of stuff you choose to pack will also depend on the type of holiday you’re going on. If you’re going somewhere remote and want the convenience of not having to think about a single thing (and you have the space to pack it all)… then go for it.

Things to ask before you leave

Handy packing tips


This will vary, depending on whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed. Moms who formula feed will have substantially more to pack than those who breastfeed. If you breastfeed, remember to pack your breast pump and accessories.

Medicines and essentials

Make sure that you’re medically well-equipped before going anywhere.

Tip: Pack this in a separate toiletry bag that you take as hand luggage with you on the plane. You don’t want this bag going missing if the airline loses your bag.

Useful stuff to pack

Bathing and changing




Pram and travel

If travelling internationally:



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