How to choose an age-appropriate bike for your child

From balance bikes and pedal bikes to training wheels and head protection, here’s everything you need to know when choosing a bicycle for your child.

Are you looking to buy your child a bicycle? Follow these guidelines to choose an age-appropriate bike for your child.

Balance bikes 

Balance bikes have no pedals and usually only have one handbrake, as your child will use her feet to stop the bike. Riding a balance bike will teach your child the core fundamentals of balance, coordination, and steering control. Balance bikes are suitable for 18 months to four years.

Pedal bikes 

These are the classic first-bike models and help your child transition from a balance bike to a bike with pedals and brakes. For this age range, ensure that the bike is as durable and lightweight as possible. Pedal bikes are suitable for three to five-year-olds.

Training wheels

Bikes with training wheels can give children the confidence boost they need to start riding on their own.

Head protection

Helmets are a safety essential, so don’t forget to buy one at the same time that you purchase the bike. Make sure the helmet fits snugly, and insist that your child wears it whenever she rides her bike.

Safety and durability

Check the front wheel to make sure it spins freely but is secure when moving the bike from side to side. Look for a wheel with metal hubs, spokes, and a rim.

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