How to help your baby learn to roll over

Rolling is an important milestone for your baby. These exercises encourage rolling, which is a necessary step in helping your baby crawl.

During their first few years, children change and grow a lot. It’s a great time to start keeping track of your child’s developmental milestones and watching how he or she develops. One such milestone is rolling. Babies as young as four months old begin to roll over. They’ll rock from side to side, which is the first step in rolling over. They may also roll from their stomach to their back. Babies typically roll over in both directions by the age of six months. For a month or two, babies usually roll over from tummy to back before rolling over from back to front.

The benefits of rolling over

A child who can roll onto his tummy or back on command is showing signs of developing the strength, coordination, and confidence necessary to begin crawling. Crawling necessitates strength, balance, and coordination, and your baby will appreciate all of your assistance and encouragement in achieving this crucial milestone.

Here’s how you can help your baby learn to roll over:

When should you do this?

Do this whenever your baby is happy and energetic, but not right after a feeding because the rolling may squash his tummy, making your baby uncomfortable.

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