New soccer tourney kicks-off in Nkomazi

With government and Safa giving grassroots football the greenlight, the Nkomazi community, in the absence of any sporting activities, launched a new soccer tournament.

The first round of games took place this past weekend. The Nkomazi Annual Soccer Tournament comprises 32 local teams and shall be hosted in different communities around the subregion.

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The opening games were hosted at Langeloop and Schoemasdal villages. Proudly sponsored by Ntlemo Foundation, a division of Ntlemo Projects, a Mpumalanga-based construction and electrical company, this tournament has already brought back some life and hype for the people of Nkomazi. “Covid-19 and lockdown have been hard on all of us and have taken away our lives and entertainment.

“The absence of the Selati Cup has also dealt many a heavy blow as we were left with no form of sporting entertainment in Nkomazi.

“This is one of the reasons why we decided to come up with something that will keep our young people busy, while at the same time stimulating our local economy. Every time these games will be hosted here, our local small business people will be able to sell food and drink to spectators,” said tourney organiser, Thokozani Mkhatshwa.

Mkhatshwa said the matches are hosted in accordance with the Covid-19 safety and health regulations. The games continue this weekend.

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