Open sewage trench a serious danger to frustrated residents

"We have two young children who do not understand the danger of a sewage-filled trench. We live in constant fear of not knowing if one of them will fall inside and drown."

A trench filled with sewage that was recently dug between two homes in Ext 8, has raised safety and health concerns. According to homeowner, Alfram Lebombo, it is high risk.

“We have two young children who do not understand the danger of a sewage-filled trench. We live in constant fear of not knowing if one of them will fall inside and drown.

It is deep enough for me to stand inside. What if my seven- and eight-year-old fall inside? The stench makes it difficult for us to eat. The flies are unbearable and end up on our food,” he explained.

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The trench was dug by Thaba Chweu Local Municipality’s (TCLM) technical team more than two months ago.

Lebombo said they informed TCLM of the challenges they are facing and also went to its offices to explain their situation.

“We left Mashishing during the first level of lockdown and when we returned we found the trench. We have no idea why it was dug, but when we informed TCLM, they came and simply drained the sewage inside, but did not close it. Before we knew it, it was filled again.” Lebombo said before approaching TCLM, they again tried to explain their challenges to a team that had visited their yard.

“When we told them. they said they were just there to see what was happening and it is not their responsibility. They referred us to their offices where we once again explained our concerns but we are still waiting for assistance,” he said.

Another neighbour, who chose to remain anonymous, said her child is only two years old and she is highly concerned. “I am worried. What if my baby drowns in there? I know it is my responsibility to watch her at all times, but the environment is not safe for her. We also tried from our side to contact them for assistance but nothing was done,” she explained.

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Steelburger/Lydenburg News contacted TCLM to find out what is the procedure that is followed after digging a trench and the reason why the municipality left it opened for months.

Themba Sibiya, communications manager at TCLM, said, “After digging a trench, care must be taken that such is backfilled within a period of 24 hours to avert possible dangers such as drownings.”

He added that the trench was dug after the team attended to spillage in the area.

“The work could not be completed on time and the sewage waste had to be drained first before the trench could be backfilled.” Sibiya said they had to first finalise the pipe connections and properly seal it before the hole could be backfilled.

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