
Through the grapevine: Try doing better in 2020

As much as we wish to shower you all with blessings, we should point out a few things that need to be considered this year.

As 2020 begins, one needs to reflect on what could have been done better last year, but anyway, nobody is perfect.

As much as we wish to shower you all with blessings, we should point out a few things that need to be considered this year.

Event organisers
It is a pity most event organisers always get a lashing and never learn from their mistakes. No matter how how much hate mail they receive after hosting average events or how it taints their brands, they go on like those heavily-loaded vehicles crossing over to Mozambique during the festive season.
Prioritise marketing your events on time and be willing to pay for advertising. There is nothing for mahala, considering the state of the economy. In short, go big or go home.
Do not take artists for a ride by not paying them the full amount before the day of the event. Think about how you would feel if your sponsors let you down.

Even though it seems there are many exploring MCing lately, to be honest, not all of you are good.
Take yourselves seriously and avoid taking your issues to social media. There is a difference between an MC and annoying preacher on the Twitter streets and Facebook. Know your worth!
Do not underestimate the power of having contracts in place when being booked and stop taking alcohol from organisers as means of payment. What is the use of your face gracing billboards when you do not even know where your next meal will come from or how you will get to events? We really would love to see you all do better. Nonke!

Government spokespeople
Some are really trying their utmost, despite all the madness in their respective institutions. There is room for improvement, kodwa ladies and gents.
Remember that deadlines are important!
Never think you are above everyone else and do try and relax when your political heads are present. Please!

Pageant title-holders
MP can be declared as the home of sashes! If it is not the Mrs title-holders rocking their sashes, looking all pretty and dolled up, it is the winners of the Face of heaven knows what at events. Kodwa ke, asinamona. Your tasks are really simple: if you are not crowned, do not go around claiming to have won.

Have a great week ahead and may you get what you deserve in the New Year.

May the force be with you!

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