What resolutions did locals make?

Some make resolutions just for the fun of it, while some aim to improve their lives. According to research, about 80 percent of people stick to their New Year's resolutions for only the first week, due to various factors, including lack of proper planning or not being able to resist temptation.

It is that time of the year when most people make promises or commit to getting rid of certain habits such as smoking, spending recklessly or even indulging in unhealthy food.

Some make resolutions just for the fun of it, while some aim to improve their lives. According to research, about 80 percent of people stick to their New Year’s resolutions for only the first week, due to various factors, including lack of proper planning or not being able to resist temptation.

We spoke to a few well-known local personalities to find out if they have any New Year’s resolutions for 2020.

Billy Brown

I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions, but planning. My plans for the year are to grow personally and careerwise. My wish is for God to give me wisdom in everything that I do, to be healthy and happy and to stay in my lane and mind my own business.

Owner of News Café, Harris Zwane 

I believe in resolutions quite a lot, because without them I cannot set my goals for the year. Some of mine include opening a new chilling spot in town, which you will find out about soon.

Stimela lead singer, Sam Ndlovu

I do not believe in making New Year’s resolutions. Instead I prefer to make a list of my priorities, and then work through that.

DJ Zoe

I believe that new resolutions can be done anytime, any day. You do not have to wait for the new year to have resolutions. I have tried that in the past, and in most cases it never happens. I have resolutions every week; every day I strive to be better than I was yesterday, last week, last month. The only thing I do is to plan my calendar for the year ahead, have goals and pray over them.

Ligwalagwala FM Radio personality, Thulani “T-boy” Khanye

New Year’s resolutions are tools to improve one’s life. It is like a plan one has. The difference is just that this one is a one-year plan. It is never easy to stick to them, but it is worth the try, and achieving a few items on one’s list serves as a motivation. My resolutions for 2020 are to use my influence as a radio personality in changing the lives of the less fortunate and mostly our listeners, and to be one of the best events/club DJs in the province, and lastly, to enjoy the gift of life.

Olly “DJ Ocean” Mandlazi

I believe 100 percent in goals, inspirations, and being my utmost self. I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions, because I think the way that they’re often used, they are the equivalent of setting yourself up for failure. I don’t have resolutions for 2020, however, I have got goals to grow my brand, DIBABA. Part of the goals is to focus and develop the brand and value chain, and to make the product accessible nationwide.


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