
Through the grapevine: Lanes were made for separation

No offence, but some government employees really make it hard for journalists to do their job in peace at events.

Why didn’t some of you just pursue careers in photography or media in the first place?

We are curious about what you do with all the videos and photos, besides posting on Facebook. Is it to please your seniors or are you just obsessed with taking visuals? Whatever the reason, do consider others who attend events for work purposes and not always on a social capacity.

One would swear there are monthly cash prizes in departments for the ones who take the most videos and pictures. Send tons of hate mail, but it is the truth!

Kanti, where are other chill spots kulendawo? If it is not the three popular joints wherein some patrons can hardly enjoy music without interruptions, then you can opt for ekasi. Mbombela needs a bit of a boost when it comes to the nightlife, but then there are those who are qualified enemies of progress and take tribalism to heart.

Competition is needed; same goes for the MCs at events. Why are they recycled even at events irrelevant to them? Surely this province has talented people who can be booked and maybe we would complain less. Promoters, do take note!

Have a great weekend and remember lanes were made for separation, so stay and serve in yours.

May the force be with you!

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