Through the grapevine: Local is not always lekker

Bullying event organisers will not change the state of the economy.

So some local artists think entertainment in Mbombela revolves around them huh?

So, Coyotes Lounge reveals AKA as one their artists to perform at the birthday celebration and suddenly shots were fired in all directions.

Guys and girls, bullying event organizers or business owners will not help you reach the top especially if you do not explore other avenues to survive in the industry. 

Anyway, we’re eagerly waiting for Super Mega to grace our city.

Remember it’s an all white event do dress up, show up minus the jealousy and bitterness and men,  try and avoid those pointy formal shoes known as ama kick n bhobhoza.

We can’t imagine a pair white in color, not in 2019 please!

We’ve seen too much of those even at theme parks and at more than three SOPAs dating back to when our deputy president, David Mabuza was still premier in the province. So you can imagine why they are a big no! 

Have a great ahead.

May the force be with you!

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