
Through the grapevine: Politicians promise to build a bridge even where there is no river

Election time seems to have humbled most of you, but some are ageing.

The past weekend was rather interesting, especially on the political side.

We know some of you comrades suffer from Aggrizophobia, so we won’t spill the beans. Relax and don’t let constipation get the better of you. However, we want to know why ANC volunteers are taken for a ride.

You’re given money to give these poor souls, food and refreshments, but no, you pocket it all. It’s high time the flashing of cash at night-time spots, meant to cater for other’s needs, stops. Feed the hungry. Y’all own several pairs of Louis Vuitton loafers and branded clothing nje.

Try being humble like your fellow colleagues who visited various voter registration stations over the weekend. We’ve never seen some so humble, not forgetting the Colgate smiles. We didn’t know you had it in you, as one would swear that you’re immune to people on the ground when riding in those big Mercs and Range Rovers.

Election time seems to have humbled most of you, but some are ageing. These positions seem to be taking strain on the province’s female politicians, shem. Can May come already?

Have a great weekend and remember that politicians promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.

May the force be with you!

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