
Through the grapevine: A crown does not breed beauty, confidence does

We had very interesting conversations with locals over the weekend, and one thing that came up was people’s obsession with beauty pageants in this province.

If it’s not the Mrs title-holders rocking their sashes looking all pretty and dolled up, it’s the winners of the Face of heaven knows what.

Someone asked what some ladies did in their youth, and it had us thinking about the likes of former Miss
SAs, Ntandoyenkosi Mthethwa and Basetsana Kumalo, who are doing quite well. It’s clear they have their lives figured out and we doubt they will ever consider competing in pageants for married women.

Speaking of which, it seems Santa gave the Mthethwas an early Christmas gift. Yes, Ntandoyenkosi is preggies and she is glowing! Homegirl remains one of the most memorable queens of the Miss Mpumalanga pageant. Congrats to her!Wish we could also congratulate Lucia Ochan, but real balancing is needed here about your three titles. And no, it isn’t personal, only clarity is needed akere.

And then those who presented awards at the MGOMAs on Sunday? Was it necessary to post on social
media thanking the organisers for the opportunity to present on stage? Or is it because some of you really felt like celebs? In all honesty, we just think you have fake attitudes of gratitude! Nine drama but we will leave it right there.

Have a great weekend and remember that a crown does not breed beauty, confidence does.

May the force be with you!

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