
Through the grapevine: Freedom of speech exists

Who created the concept of parenting awards on Facebook for people to reprimand others on what they post?

It is without a doubt that defamation laws are outdated in the digital age. Same with how things in general have evolved over the years.

But what we are curious about is the behaviour of some individuals, in particular, le-youth endala on social media. Seems many get carried away, forgetting that there is freedom of speech and that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

A local comrade did point out a few days ago that some elders have a tendency of interfering in issues of young people. Ha, bingo! He got it right and, yeah, it actually is annoying to have “mothers of the province” who have their own dirty laundry and skeletons in the closet reprimand others about “being the bigger person” in Twars and clashes on other platforms.

Iyekeni lento please… Surely people are wise enough to know that they can post whatever without defaming anyone or an organisation. Case closed!

So minister Edna Molewa’s grandchild referred to the country’s first citizen by his name and the old man simply took it as a joke, but clearly not to his “chums and fans”, who felt the kid did not observe protocol. Haaibo! Many may have cringed but hey, he was not phased, so ningenaphi nina? Beningabo who, ba-where vele when Mr President took it all in good humour?

Zibonele Mncwango, bafo, don’t also get offended when journalists address the premier by her first name when doing media enquiries. After all, it is the name written on her identity document.

Have a great weekend and remember that you may not agree with what others have to say but they have a right to.

May the force be with you!

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