
Through the grapevine

Let's start by congratulating Dumisa Mavuso, aka Shabbisto, for his move to the corporate side at Ligwalagwala FM. As popular and experienced as he is, you will never hear him bragging. He stays in his lane and that is what the rest of us should be doing. Well done, Shabbisto!

While some blabbermouths are discussing other companies’ internal issues and fighting for land they can barely afford even if it was made available, people are raking in real money and making their mark out there.

So Mbombelans have no sense, of humour? Sunday was April Fool’s and jokes, not dry ones though, were made almost the entire day but some of you almost chopped our heads off. At the same time it proved how loyal DJ Mdumane’s fans are. We really got you! But try and loosen up a bit please, it’s 2018.

Unkle Mdu Nkosi made a very vital point early in the week about certain chilling spots and events in general. We couldn’t agree more with you! Once the owners invest in important things like quality equipment and marketing, they’ll surely host successful events.

Well, the weekend many have been waiting for is finally here! The Crowning of Miss Mpumalanga takes place on Saturday. Can we not for a change receive calls from people asking for tickets asseblief? We’re just a media partner nje. Should you be offered ke, do not be ungrateful and demand VIP. Have you got yours already? If not, you know what to do.

Have a great weekend, and remember: A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
May the force be with you!

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