
BREAKING NEWS: Somizi joins Ligwalagwala FM

Breakfast Show host, DJ Madumane has swapped with Somizi who is a co-host on the Fresh Breakfast Show on Metro FM who will move to Ligwalagwala FM.

The radio station released a statement this morning with a new line-up of presenters who would be joining them from tomorrow, April 2.

Marketing manager of the station, Cwy Mandindi confirmed the changes. ” We’re happy to welcome Somgaga to the team. It was not easy to bring him on board. His command of the Sisiwati language is a challenge but he is willing to adjust. We’re glad that our very own Dumisani Simelane is joining a commercial radio station and we wish him well,” said Mandindi.

Somizi’s spokesperson, Thato Matuka added that Somizi is all packed and ready to move to Nelspruit. ” He is familiar with the place and has attended various events. Plus, Somgaga is quite sociable and gets along with people well. He will do a good job.”

DJ Madumane could neither confirm nor deny the switch. He referred us to the SABC.

The spokesperson for the SABC, Kaizer Kganyago could not be reached for comment, we suspect he is attending a church service somewhere. Could he be in Moria?

Gotcha! If you really believe this, you’ve been fooled. Happy April Fools Day Y’all!


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