#TheQueen: Brutas Khoza’s five funny scenes in videos

With all the drama in between the Khoza and Mabuza families, Uncle Brutus takes the cake for his hillarious punchlines.

Actor, Themba Ndaba’s role as Brutas Khoza in the drama leaves viewers in stitches every evening on weekdays.

If Brutus isn’t chewing or sipping from a whiskey glass, he lets his imagination run wild and says the most amusing stuff when least expected.

Here are five videos from different scenes that we find hillarious:

When he said, “Loves lives here.”


He always finds ways to explain things with of course, an element of humour.

Remember when he wanted to try his luck with Gracious Mabuza?He’s a typical Zulu man and does not care whether he heard correctly or not. 


There are never any dull moments with him and his nephew, Shaka Khoza. 

Hate him or not, Uncle Brutus gives social media life!


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